Special education services are provided in the Lyle Public Schools to support students who meet the Minnesota eligibility criteria as a student with a disability. Special education teachers, speech language pathologists, occupational and physical therapists, school psychologists, school nurses and other professionals provide instructional services and support to students and the staff serving those students.

Below is a listing of services provided in the school system.

If you suspect your child has a disability, contact your child's teacher, building principal or Special Education office at 507.325.2201

Special Education Disability Categories
The State of Minnesota, in response to Federal Law known as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), develops eligibility criteria for the thirteen categories listed below plus Developmental Disability for Early Childhood Special Education Services (age birth to 5 years).

Before a student may be considered for special education services, she/he must meet the eligibility requirements in one or more of the disability categories. Teachers and education assistants provide services to students in these categories:

Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD)
Students have significantly low achievement in verbal expression, listening, mathematics, reading or writing compared to their intellectual ability.

Speech Impaired (SP)
Students experience difficulty understanding speech or verbally expressing themselves.

Emotionally/Behaviorally Disordered (E/BD)
Students experience significant behavioral and/or emotional problems that interfere with their own or others ability to learn.

Developmental Cognitive Disability Mild/Moderate Severe (DC-MM, SP)
Students have significantly below average intellectual ability and adaptive skills such as self-care, interpersonal relations, academic and vocational skills.

Physically and/or Other Health Impaired (PI)(OHI)
Students have health or physical disabilities that significantly interfere with learning.

Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH)
Students have hearing loss that affects the use or understanding of spoken English.

Vision Impaired (VI)
Students are blind or have vision difficulties that significantly interfere with learning. Students receive services such as Braille instruction, educational support, orientation/mobility and vocational training in our district.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Students have a developmental disorder that significantly effects interaction with others and communication.

Deaf-Blind (DB)
Students have hearing and visual impairments that cause such severe communications, developmental and educational needs that cannot be accommodated through programs for students with only deafness or blindness.

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Students have an acquired injury to the brain that adversely affects educational performance.

Severe and Multiply Impaired (SMI)
Students have severe learning and development problems resulting from two or more disability conditions.

Other Services
Assistive Technology School Social Worker
Orientation and Mobility Student Health Services
School Psychologist Special Transportation

Contact Information

Director of Special Education
Mr. Dan Armagost

Special Education Teacher
Mrs. Barb Hunter

Special Education Teacher
Ms. Vicki Bjork

Special Education Teacher
Ms. Stephaine Parlin

Mrs. Vanessa Edington

Early Childhood
Ms. Sondra Olawsky