Family Responsibilities
We, as a family, will:
  • Read at leadt 15 minutes daily with our child
  • Talk about the importance of school and learning
  • Ensure that our child attends school regularly and on time
  • Attend school conferences
  • Have ongoing communication with the school and check backpacks daily
  • Establish a quiet study time and encourage good student habits
  • Limit T.V. viewing, use of video games, and computer
  • Participate in family events at school

Student Responsibilities
I, as a student, will:
  • Read at least 15 minutes daily outside of school time
  • Do my homework every day and ask for help when I need it
  • Work my hardest and respect myself and others
  • Bring all my schoolwork/notes home and show my family
School Responsibilities
The school will:
  • Provide high quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment
  • Hold school conferences at least twice annually to share information regarding student progress
  • Hold an annual Title I meeting to inform families about title I
  • Provide families reasonable access to staff
  • Provide opportunities for families to volunteer and participate at school